HASS Core Transfer Students

Welcoming all Transfer Students to RPI!  We are happy to have you join our community.  

This page is for students transferring to RPI from another college at the sophomore status or above. If you want to have a single course evaluated as a current student, please follow the Transfer Evaluation process.  


HASS Core for Transfer Students 

Many Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (HASS) courses transferred to RPI can be applied toward the HASS Core. Here you will learn more about those specific requirements. We encourage you to meet with your academic advisor to discuss your HASS Core as it applies to your major. It can vary depending on your School. 


Step 1: Review the policies and guidelines outlined within the Catalog on the Core Curriculum. 

Step 2: Confirm the number of credits that you have transferred...  

  • Sophomore Status or Junior Status: The following requirements are for you!  
  • First-Year Status: As a transfer student below sophomore status, you will follow the same HASS Core requirements as students enrolled at RPI in their first year. You can learn more about those requirements on the HASS Core website & the Catalog.


If you are at sophomore or junior status...

Review each graduation requirement below for more information: 

Be sure to include the following in your Curriculum Planning with your Advisor:

  • A maximum of 12 credits at the 1000 level can be applied to the HASS Core.  
  • A maximum of 8 credits can be designated as Pass/No Credit within the HASS Core. 
  • A maximum of 8 transfer credits can be applied to the HASS Core.
  • 12 transfer credits can be applied to the Integrative Pathway with approval from Associate Dean Fajen.


Always review the Catalog for full requirements, policies, and restrictions.


The total Number of Courses/Credits required for the HASS Core is dependent on your school:

  • Schools of Architecture, and Engineering: 20 credits *
  • Schools of HASS, Management, and Science: 24 credits 


* Engineering majors must complete 20 credits of HASS courses in addition to the credits earned associated with the three-course sequence of professional development (PD) courses entitled PD1 (either ENGR 1010 or as part of ENGR 2050 ), PD2, and PD3 (ENGR 4010 ). 
* Architecture majors must complete 20 credits of HASS courses. Four credits of the HASS core requirements are embedded within the Architectural Genealogy ARCH 4100 and ARCH 4120. 


As a Transfer Student with Soph/Junior status, there are two additional Pathway options:  

  1. Transfer Student Arts and Humanities Pathway
  2. Transfer Student Social Science Pathway.  

To complete either Pathway, you must complete 12 credits

  • Transfer Students may apply up to 12 transferred credits toward their Pathway. 
  • You cannot Pass/No Credit any course used toward your Pathway.  


Find these and all other Integrative Pathway Options in the Catalog.  

The Breadth Requirement is completed by completing one Humanities course, and and one Social Science Course. This may be completed through your transfer credits. Use the lists below to confirm.  

  • Humanities prefixes: ARTS, COMM, GSAS, IHSS, LANG, LITR, PHIL, STSO, WRIT 
  • Social Science prefixes: COGS, ECON, GSAS, IHSS, PSYC, STSO  

Some prefixes are considered both: GSAS, IHSS, STSO.

  • It can be challenging to transfer a 4000-level course due to the advanced content of the course.
  • Community College courses cannot transfer above the 2000 level.  
  • This must be a 3 or 4-credit course. 




Communication Intensive Courses are designed to support students in all forms of communication, such as writing and presentations. You must take at least two courses with a Communication Intensive attribute. 

  1. One HASS CI course (typically part of the HASS Core)
  2. One CI course specific to your Major (typically a capstone or senior project).

The Major Specific CI Course will not be part of your HASS Core (unless you are a HASS major). 

You cannot Pass/No Credit your CI course. 


Generally, CI courses cannot be transferred to RPI. The exception is for the rare Transfer student who has taken a communication/writing course that meets the RPI Communication Intensive criteria. 

Criteria to seek evaluation for transfer credit of a CI course: At least two communication-intensive assignments. CI assignments must add up to the equivalent of at least 4000 words, regardless of medium. Oral presentations may be included in the 4000 words at a rate of 130 words per minute. Thus, a 5-minute presentation could count as 650 words toward the total. Notetaking, daily logs, journals, or similar exercises (often called Writing to Learn) can count up to 20% of the total minimum word count, or 800 words. At least one CI assignment must be iterative, meaning students must receive instructor feedback on at least one draft before submitting the final work. Group assignments can be included, but in addition to any group assessment, each student in the group should also be assessed individually for their communication skills. Grades on CI assignments must comprise at least 25% of the final grade for the course. To have a course reviewed, please fill out this form.

You will need to have the following documentation to complete the form:  

  • A syllabus to show the specifications and rubrics for the assignments  
  • Other supporting documentation (assignment lists, etc.) 



Typically, you will be advised to take a 4000-level, Communication Intensive course in your first semester at RPI. Historically, these are the final requirements for Transfer Students as they are not easily transferred to RPI. Prepare for your first Registration by researching options in the upcoming Class Hour Schedule and the Catalog 

Find 4000-level courses that build upon your previously taken humanities, arts, and social science courses. The of those courses instructor may provide a "prerequisite override" if you have proven experience equivalent to a listed prerequisite. If you need help constructing the request or connecting with an instructor, please connect with your Academic Advisor for support. If needed they can typically advocate on your behalf. 


Download the HASS Requirements Checklist for Additional Support! 


Where can you find support for the HASS Core?

We always recommend starting with your assigned advisor or Advising Hub as each school has different curriculum requirements. You want to ensure that the answers to your questions accurately encompass your Plan of Study and align with graduation requirements outside of the HASS Core. Your Academic Advisor is in the position to provide guidance and advocate on your behalf based on your unique plan. 


For Transfer Student Orientation (TSO), there will be an in-person event with Hub Advisors, Scheduling Staff, and the Registrar’s Office. Be certain you are keeping an eye on your RPI email, and adding all important dates to your calendar.


You are welcome to email us! Please allow 2 to 3 business days for a response. We may recommend meeting with your Academic Advisor, or a HASS Advisor in a drop-in or meeting depending on the context of your question. HASSinfo@rpi.edu



The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Russell Sage Laboratory (SAGE) 5304, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 276-6575

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