HASS Fall Concert: "Far Past War"

Saturday, October 29  |  7pm  | EMPAC Concert Hall

A richly imaginative concert performance that explores life and loss, and through music seeks peace both for the self and the world. The program will include works by Sidumo Nyamezele, Ludwig van Beethoven, Lili Boulanger, and Edward Elgar; plus the second ever performance of Augusta Read Thomas's "Far Past War."

Composer Augusta Read Thomas will give a pre-concert talk "Recombinant Music: A Composer's Inspiration from STEM" at 6pm in the EMPAC Concert Hall.

The 2023 McKinney Writing Contest is open!

The 2023 McKinney Writing Contest is open! Submit in any or all of the following categories: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, or Drama; Poetry;  Academic Essay; Electronic Media Using Language; or our NEW multi-genre category: Language and Empowerment. Undergraduate and graduate divisions. First prize $300; 2nd prize $175; and 3rd prize $75. Submit: info.rpi.edu/mckinney. Current students only. Questions? Email McKinney@rpi.edu or visit https://info.rpi.edu/mckinney

Vollmer Fries Lecture Series presents: Recombinant Music: A Composer's Inspirations from STEM

Vollmer Fries Lecture Series presents: Recombinant Music: A Composer's Inspirations from STEM

Augusta Read Thomas, University Professor in Composition, University of Chicago

EMPAC Concert Hall, 6pm

Rensselaer Orchestra and Concert Choir Performance to follow directly at 7pm.  Admission is free and open to the public.  

“The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks” Film Screening with filmmaker Yoruba Richen

Time/Date: November 3, 2022 at 7pm

Location: The Sanctuary for Independent Media

Yoruba Richen will screen The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks at the Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY. This film captures the unexpected story of Rosa Parks and her life beyond the historic bus boycott, revealing the intent behind her activism, her radical politics, and her courage. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film, voter rights, and activism.


Location: West Hall Gallery, West Hall Rm. 111

Date/Time: 11/2 at 4pm - 6pm

A two-hour experience based on the seven CHAKRAS/REMEMBERING/FORGIVING/PERFORMING with guest performance artist LINDA MARY MONTANO, presented by HASS Arts Department and iEAR Presents!

1. Come dressed entirely in the color of a CHAKRA which speaks to you. Basically, rainbow colors but white is ok.

Global Game Jam 2023 at RPI

Location: Sage 2411, 2510, 2704, 2715

The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the world's largest game creation event featuring tens of thousands of participants at physical and virtual locations around the world. For the first time since the start of the pandemic, IGDA (International Game Developers Association) Albany is partnering with the RPI Game Hub and RPI's Game Development Club to host a satellite location for GGJ 2023.

CogWorks Lab Recruiting for Paid Research Study

The CogWorks Lab (Department of Cognitive Science) here at RPI is recruiting participants 18 years of age and older for a paid research study investigating long-term skill acquisition in cooperative behavior, using a cooperative cooking video game.

The study consists of 11, 1-hour sessions. 8 of these sessions will involve playing a video game, and 3 sessions will involve completing a battery of cognitive tasks assessing various facets of cognitive performance.

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