Level UpState Summer Program

Level UpState is a six-week games incubator intensive offered by the RPI Center of Excellence in Digital Game Development and intended for anyone interested in starting an indie studio or other games business. This year's event will be held from July 11 to August 19.


Applications are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, May 15. More information about the program, including a link to the application form, can be found on our website at https://gamehub.rpi.edu/level-upstate/.


Monthly Game Jam #1 (Welcome and Welcome Back)

Do you want to create a video game during the weekend? The RPI monthly Game Jam starts Friday, September 2nd (6pm) to Sunday, in Sage 2411 (VAST)! A Game Jam is a contest where participants make a game from scratch in a limited time (48h).

Because you certainly won't have too much homework yet, this jam is perfect for any freshman curious about game creation. If you don't have any experience and no partners, it's even better, come to meet and collaborate with students from all different years.

Student Competition to Rename Sage 2202

A student competition will be held to rename Sage 2202, currently called the Cognitive Robotics Lab.  Applications are due to Kim Osburn, Manager of Operations and Administrative Services <osburk@rpi.edu> no later than 5:00 pm, Tuesday, September 13, 2022.   Individuals or teams of no more than 3 students are encouraged to apply.  A committee will review the proposals and the winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Please title your email submission SAGE 2202 Competition.

From the Ashes: Building a Memorial in the Shadow of the World Trade Center

Location: Sage 5711

Date: September 14, 2022

Time: 11:30 am - 1pm

The Irish Hunger Memorial is designed to raise public awareness of the events that led to the famine of 1845-52 and to encourage efforts to address current and future hunger worldwide. One and a half million Irish were lost through famine related death and the Diaspora. The design expresses a desire to react and respond to changing world events without losing its focus on the project’s commemorative intent.

Critical Game Design Speaker Series: Histories and Counter-Histories of CGI in Movies

September 28  |  11:30am-1pm  |  Sage 2211

This talk presents the history, and counter-history, of, a scrappy group of computer scientists went up against the large, powerful, but inert, Hollywood studio empire, and forever changed how movies are made. present that history, and a counter-history. This group of computer scientists also (unwittingly?) ensured that historical biases towards young, white skin and straight, blond hair embedded in film and photography technology would be carried over from the analog era into the digital.


Research Problems in Cognitive Science will feature Dr. Chris Kello: Exploration and Exploitation in Individual and Collective Foraging

October 5  |  12:00pm - 1:30pm  |  Carnegie 113

Foraging is arguably foundational to the evolution of intelligence in humans and other animals. It is an ancient behavior that requires perception, planning, navigation, and coordination and communication among foragers in groups.

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