Critical Game Design Speaker Series: Histories and Counter-Histories of CGI in Movies

Theodore Kim Headshot

September 28  |  11:30am-1pm  |  Sage 2211

This talk presents the history, and counter-history, of, a scrappy group of computer scientists went up against the large, powerful, but inert, Hollywood studio empire, and forever changed how movies are made. present that history, and a counter-history. This group of computer scientists also (unwittingly?) ensured that historical biases towards young, white skin and straight, blond hair embedded in film and photography technology would be carried over from the analog era into the digital.



Theodore Kim is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Yale University, where he investigates biomechanical solids and fluid dynamics. Previously, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Pixar Animation Studios. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, multiple Best Paper awards, and a Scientific and Technical Academy Award (SciTech Oscar). His algorithms have appeared in over 20 films, and his first (uncredited) on-screen work was on the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

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