Planning your First Semester at Rensselaer!

Now that you have attended (or watched the recording) of 'Planning your First Semester,’ let us get you started on your own path! Follow these simple steps.  


Step 1: Look up your Time Ticket and add it to your personal calendar with notifications! 

  1. Head to SIS 
  2. Go to the ‘Student Menu’  
  3. Click on ‘View Time Ticket’  
  4. The start time is when you will be able to officially register for your classes 


Step 2: Download your Major’s Plan of Study 


Step 3: Download the HASS Core Worksheet for HASS Majors 


Step 4: Create a list of courses that you should plan to take based on... 

  • Your HASS Major and/or Dual requirements!  
  • Your Core Requirements (HASS, Math/Science)  


Step 5: Review your course plan to ensure the following...  

  • You MUST take more than 12-credits to be full-time 
  • You SHOULD take between 16-17 credits if you intend to graduate in 4 years  
  • It is NOT recommended to take above 18 credits in your first semester at RPI 


If you are all set... 

Step 5: Bring that list of courses to QUACS! 

  • QUACS is a student-run tool to help develop mock schedules. 
  • It pulls information from SIS (Student Information System). 


  • Important note! QUACS may not have accurate seat numbers when registration goes live! How will you know if a section still has seats? Head to the next step! 


  • Save this information for each course (you will need it to register);  
    • CRN (ex: 64614) 
    • Course Subject/Prefix (INQR 1030) 
    • Course Section Number (ex: 01) 


Step 6: Confirm course information for each of your selected courses in SIS! 

  1. Head to SIS 
  2. Go to the ‘Student Menu’  
  3. Click on ‘Class Search’ 
  4. Use the Class Search page to find your course to learn more about the course. 
    1. Confirm the section still has seats  
  5. Click the ‘CRN’ (Course Registration Number) Hyperlink
  6. Then the course ‘Title’ Hyperlink
  7. Check if the section is restricted to certain majors or cohorts (class years). Based on what you see, you may need to select a different section or course.


Step 7: Register! Plan to sign-up for your classes when your Time Ticket opens on July 25th!

You should prioritize registering for your classes the moment your Time Ticket opens.

  1. Head to SIS 
    1. Go to the ‘Student Menu’  
    2. Click on ‘Register/Add/Drop’ 
    3. Follow the prompts to register for your courses 



Questions? Concerns? Want to say, ‘Hello?’ 

Message us on our WebEx Teams Chat! 

  • Hub Advisors will be available 9 am to noon, 1 to 4 pm: Monday to Friday. 
  • Many of you will have the same questions! By voicing your questions in the chat, you will be supporting everyone as we all learn new things.  
  • You will find a personal invite to our Chat in your RPI email.  
  • Download the WebEx Teams App. It is a widely used platform at RPI for students, faculty, and staff.


You can also book a meeting or come to Remote Drop-Ins!


The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Russell Sage Laboratory (SAGE) 5304, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 276-6575

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