Is Law School Right For Me?


Is Law School Right for Me?

Your undergraduate years are a time to explore many academic areas of study, perfect your learning abilities, and demonstrate expertise and experience in a particular major. If you think that you might want to pursue a career in law, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you articulate problems verbally and in writing so that others can understand them?
  • Do you enjoy writing? Do you write well?
  • Do you enjoy being an advocate?
  • Can you argue both sides of a question clearly, concisely, and enthusiastically?
  • Do you enjoy working through complex problems?
  • Can you take criticism?
  • Do you enjoy speaking out in class?
  • Is precision important to you? Are you the kind of person who wants to "get things right" and doesn't mind spending time on details?
  • Can you cope with ambiguity?
  • Do you have a strong work ethic?
  • Have you developed good research skills?
  • Do you listen well?
  • Do you enjoy working with people and educating them?


If most of your answers to the above are "Yes!", then Law School might be a great path for your future! 



The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Russell Sage Laboratory (SAGE) 5304, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 276-6575

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