Jaehoon Choi

Jaehoon Choi

Area of Research / Interest: Sound Art, Computer Music, Software Studies

Undergraduate Education Institution: Indiana University Bloomington

Undergraduate Major: Information Systems

Biography: Jaehoon Choi is a computer musician/sound artist/researcher based in New York and Seoul. His practice involves embodied experimentation through a technical medium, which involves both the making/design and the performative process. As a researcher, he is interested in understanding how technology-mediated practice affords distributed artistic activities as a community and its aesthetic implementation. At the same time, he does not distinguish research and practice as a strict binary and seeks ways to integrate those two in an organic way. His works have been presented in ICMC, CeReNeM, ECHO Journal, ZER01NE, Visions Du Reel, CEMEC, etc. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Electronic Arts at RPI and graduated from Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics(CCRMA) as a Masters. Website

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