Gabriel Medina-Kim

Gabriel Medina-Kim

Hometown / Country: San Francisco, California

Area of Research / Interest: feminist and antiracist science & technology studies; decolonial computing; social justice pedagogy; making & doing

Undergraduate Education Institution: California Polytechnic State University

Undergraduate Major: Computer Science

Biography: Gabriel is a PhD student studying the intersections of computing and feminist & anti-racist STS. His interests center anti-oppressive transformations in computing, critical participation, and what it means to “do good” in technoscience. Specifically, he mobilizes cultural and sociotechnical systems lenses using anti-racist, feminist, and decolonial thinking. His research extends his undergraduate training, teaching, and research at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, where he received a B.S. in Computer Science and two minors: women’s & gender studies and science, technology, & society. Gabriel is a 2020-21 awardee of the California State University’s Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP). Email:

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