Emily Klein

Emily Klein

Area of Research / Interest:  Language and Conspiracy Theorizing

Undergraduate Education Institution:  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate Major:  Architecture

Biography:  Emily is a Ph.D. Candidate in Cognitive Science and Graduate Research Assistant advised by Dr. James Hendler. Her dissertation research focuses on blending natural language processing with insights from cognitive science to better understand and address real-world social phenomena like conspiracy theories.

Emily’s research lies at the intersection of computational social science and natural language processing and understanding (NLP/NLU). She is passionate about addressing structural issues in AI research and development, and leveraging data and AI to understand social issues, especially those affecting vulnerable populations.

Emily likes to spend time with her fiancé and two cats. She can be found out in the garden or starting a new DIY project.  Email:  kleine5@rpi.edu.

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