Craig Rothstein

Craig Rothstein

Area of Research / Interest:  Psychedelics, neuroscience, feminism, postcolonial studies

Undergraduate Education Institution:  Binghamton University

Undergraduate Major: Philosophy

Biography: Craig studies psilocybin and its role in the development of a neuroscientific narrative of what it means to be human. He traces the epistemological journey of the sacramental mushroom teonanacatl from its early indigenous use through ethnobotanical investigations of the mid-twentieth century into modern pharmaceutical chemistry and its current role as potential psychotherapeutic agent under review by the FDA. Craig has been interested in the significance of the psychedelic experience since performing undergraduate work in biology and philosophy. He has degrees in interdisciplinary humanities and science journalism, has worked as a freelance writer and researcher, and assists his entrepreneur wife in the running of her fabulous children's shop. When not working, he tries to keep up with his son on the ski slopes, walks his two very handsome dogs, and has a grand time cooking exotic foods for his family to try. Email:

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