GSAS Concentrations

GSAS Concentrations 


Computer Science
Concentration Code: GCSI

Students focus on the technical side of game development, with advanced coursework in programming techniques, engine construction, rendering algorithms, and backend development. Pairs with a dual major with Computer Science.


Electronic Arts
Concentration Code: GELA

Students focus on the visual and animated elements of games, with advanced coursework in 3D animation, character modeling, lighting and rendering, and visual effects. Pairs with a dual major in Electronic Arts.


Cognitive Science: 
Concentration Code: GCOG

Students focus on the design of intelligent agents and cognitive models in games, with advanced coursework in AI, virtual agents, psychology, and neuroscience. Pairs with a dual major in Cognitive Science.


Concentration Code: GWRT

Students focus on narrative design and storytelling in games, with advanced coursework in literature, nonlinear storytelling, communication theory, and scriptwriting. Pairs with a dual major in Communication, Media & Design.


Concentration Code: GMUS

Students focus on sonic and auditory dimensions of games, with advanced coursework in music technology, sound design, composition, recording, and experimental audio. Pairs with a dual major in Music.


Concentration Code: GMGT

Students focus on project management and the organizational elements of the games industry, with advanced coursework in economics, marketing, data management, and financial analytics. Pairs with a dual major in Business and Management.


You should declare your GSAS concentration within your first two semesters. Your Faculty and/or Hub Advisor can support you in making this important decision! 

Ready to declare? Download the Undergraduate Change of Major/Change of Status Form and submit the filled-out form to your Advisor, or bring it to the HASS Hub!

Registrar Forms



The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Russell Sage Laboratory (SAGE) 5304, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 276-6575

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