STS Colloquium: Composting Utopia: Finding Hope in Grassroots Infrastructures

Date: 10/4

Time: 11:30am - 1pm

Location: Sage 5711

As New York City rolls out citywide organics collection, grassroots composters across the five boroughs continue the dirty work of repurposing the city's food scraps. In this talk, Guy describes relationships between municipal and grassroots composting in NYC, and examines how different compost systems embody different imaginaries of urban composting, from neoliberal development to just sustainability. Using the feminist metaphor of composting, Guy explains how experimental infrastructures articulate powerful new visions of sustainability, along with new forms of hope that can orient people toward new ways of inhabiting their worlds. This talk is based on his forthcoming book, Composting utopia: experimental infrastructures for organics recycling in New York City, to be released in November by University of Massachusetts Press.

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