Invoking the Past, Illuminating the Present: Cultural Narratives and Decoloniality in Contemporary Art; Episode 2 Wally Dion

Wally Dion

Join interdisciplinary artists Morehshin Allahyari, Yasmine Nasser Diaz, and Wally Dion, in conversation with artist-curator, Jude Abu Zaineh.

In an era of rapid change, these artists bridge the gap between the past and the present, using their creative talents to interpret, critique, and celebrate the diverse tapestry of stories that have molded societies around the globe using various analog and digital technologies. Their artworks are not mere representations but are dialogues – conversations that beckon audiences to reflect, engage, and reimagine within feminist, decolonial discourse.

Join us for a 3-episode mini-series of stimulating discussions where art meets history, and where the past is not just remembered, but relived and re-evaluated. Discover how these artists, through their unique lenses, challenge cultural narratives, bringing to the fore vital stories that are often overlooked, misunderstood, or forgotten in the contemporary art landscape.

TUESDAYS, Nov. 7, 14, 21, 2023, from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST) – Please join us for this virtual series of vital presentations followed by brief question and answer sessions. Each presentation is free to the public.

Register here


Wally (Walter) Dion is a Canadian artist of Saulteaux ancestry living and working in Upstate New York He is a member of Yellow Quill First Nation (Salteaux). Dion holds a BFA from the University of Saskatchewan and an MFA from Rhode Island School of Design. Throughout much of his career, Dion’s work has contributed to a broad conversation in the art world about identity and power, and can be interpreted as part of a much larger pan-American struggle by Indigenous peoples to be recognized: culturally, economically, and politically, by settler societies. Utilizing large scale portraiture, found object sculpture, site specific installation & kinetic sculpture Dion has expanded upon this practice to include themes of personal history & spirituality. Dion has exhibited extensively throughout Canada & the USA participating in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Dion’s work can be found in several prominent collections; private and public.

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