iEAR PRESENTS: De-fence: The Line Becomes a Territory

May 18


NATURE Lab 3319 6th Avenue, Troy NY

Join us at NATURE Lab for DE-FENCE Part 2: The Line Becomes a Territory with Margaretha Haughwout, who will lead participants in the creation of DE-FENCE, a living participatory art installation at NATURE Lab under the umbrella of the Sanctuary’s growing Eco-Art Trail.

For part 2 of DE-FENCE, participants will help install deconstructed fence posts (specially carved with designs that emerge from ongoing community drawing exercises), and plant medicinal seeds and seedlings from the artist’s Food Forest Studio. We will continue to discover already existing medicinal plants growing in the marginal spaces and edge conditions of the neighborhood, discuss neighborhood environmental health conditions, and discuss the ways that marginal medicinal plants can participate in the bioremediation and protection of the ecosocial communities around NATURE Lab. “The Line Becomes a Territory” is the header from a section in a forthcoming book entitled Ruderal Witchcraft by Margaretha, co-written with Oliver Kellhammer, and explores the ways that communities who want to resist the forces of capitalist accumulation can find power in, occupy, and expand the boundaries, edge zones and fence-lines established by regimes of private property.

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