Deep Listening & Well-being: Student event!

a flyer for Deep Listening depicting people's ears in the background

The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer is offering online workshops on Deep Listening & Well-being this Spring. Join us for an exploration of mindful listening practices, creativity, collaboration, and play!


Event date: Wed, March 31, 4:30-6pm (reserved for RPI students only)

Register here!


More about Deep Listening:

Deep Listening is a creative practice of mindful listening, developed by composer Pauline Oliveros, that encompasses bodywork, sonic meditations, interactive performance, and listening to the sounds of daily life, nature, one’s own thoughts, imagination and dreams. It cultivates a heightened awareness of one’s environment, both external and internal, and promotes experimentation, improvisation, collaboration, playfulness and other creative skills vital to personal and community well-being!


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