Join us to discuss Naked Fieldnotes: A Rough Guide to Ethnographic Writing with editors Denielle Elliott (Science and Technology Studies, York University) and Matthew Wolf-Meyer (Science and Technology Studies, RPI) as they officially launch the book with a conversation about the multi-media, interdisciplinary collection. Naked Fieldnotes brings together examples of ethnographic writing from anthropologists, sociologists, and geographers with the aim of demystifying how they conduct qualitative research. Elliott and Wolf-Meyer will discuss the origins of the book, their experiences conducting fieldwork, and the uses the collection can be put toward. Cookies will be served.
The event will take place in-person in Sage Labs 2510 and virtually on Zoom Wednesday, April 3rd from 3:30 - 5:00.
Meeting ID: 833 4529 7577
Passcode: 803436