Rensselaer Experimental Economics Lab

​​The Rensselaer Experimental Economics Lab (REconLab) researchers study human decision-making in economic domains by running incentivized economics experiments. We recruit students to be our experimental subjects who would like to participate in our experiments all year round. Experimental subjects are paid for their time and the decisions which they make during the experiment.

The lab is composed of faculty from the Economics Department as well as any interested graduate students, who conduct their own research in the lab. It is also used for teaching purposes (such as the Experimental Economics course that is being offered each Fall and Spring semesters).

If you have any questions regarding REconLab, signing up for experiments, visiting the lab or using the lab for your own experiments please email us at and

REconLab is located in West Hall 211.


The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Russell Sage Laboratory (SAGE) 5304, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 276-6575

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