The B.S. program in Economics provides students with exposure to a wide range of topics in Economics, as well as several interdisciplinary areas. Students can major in Economics, as well as select from an array of specialized minors. Many students elect the dual major, where their major in Economics is paired with a major in another discipline, such as engineering, sciences, mathematics, or business management.
A unique feature of the program is the wide range of electives offered by other departments — in areas such as computer science, mathematics, industrial engineering, management, and finance — that are open to students pursuing a degree in Economics.

More relevant now than ever before, Health Economics and Policy investigates issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value, and behavior in how health care is delivered and consumed.

Behavioral Economics looks more closely at the psychological, cognitive, and cultural factors that shape the behavior and decision-making of individuals and institutions. Challenging some of the fundamental pillars of classical economic theory, behavioral economics is poised to play an important role in 21st century economic scholarship and policymaking.

Econometrics and Data Analytics brings together expertise in programming, data gathering, and management with economic reasoning and statistical methods to develop modeling and forecasting capabilities in order to better understand financial econometrics, measure economic uncertainty, and examine issues involving large amounts of information and “big data.”