Research Highlights

  • Professor Jason Huh’s research examines how government insurance programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, may help improve access to health care services and health outcomes. He finds that expansion of Medicaid affects the mobility of healthcare professionals. This line of research provides policymakers with a substantive evaluation of the costs and benefits of different types of health policies and regulations in the United States.
  • Professor Rui Fan’s research examines inference and forecasting methods for the predictive quantile regression models, which can be applied to many areas of economics and finance such as risk management, options pricing, and financial returns prediction.

Some of our faculty research papers and publications can be viewed at:

Rui Fan:

Vivek Ghosal:

Jason Huh:

Michael Klein:

Jianjing Lin:

Huaming Peng:

Kenneth L. Simons:


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